  • 期刊


The Study of the Chinese Medicine Literatures Revised and Published in Sung Dynasty


中醫素來強調,疾病之起,必基於人之「因人、因時、因地」的三大因素才導致病害產生。這當中,醫學進展也已由生物醫學模式,轉為社會-心理-生物醫學模式。因此,在面對問題與尋求因應之道時,特別希望由豐富的歷史典籍記錄中尋找類似的條件狀況來參詳、對照。 由於宋朝主政者對於醫療事業的推動,同時也帶動了民間相關的醫療產業,不論是民間從事的醫書刊行與校定,乃至於包含了藥市、藥品貿易,甚至於醫療預防保健觀念的推行而帶來的經濟效益,對於現代以經濟開發為主的醫療產業、新藥開發等,多提供過往的經驗與想法。 本研究運用文獻回顧的方法將宋朝校正醫書局之刊行醫書典籍文獻資料,按照醫書刊行、藥物學與方劑學的發展等進行匯集與分析。目的在瞭解前人對於醫書刊行與方藥學發展的經驗,希望用以對照目前醫藥環境與發展利弊,正所謂:他山之石,可以攻錯。


宋朝 校正醫書局


Chinese medical science has always believed that the origin of any diseases is based upon three major factors: one's constitution, change of seasons, and position in time. By using documents and references of Sung dynasty, we can develop a better understanding of medical practice to improve our current medical policies. The purpose of this study is to analyze the ancient result of Sung medical policies, and to understand the effect of the Chinese medicine lietratures revised and published in Sung Dynasty. We then could create a new policy for people in present medical system. We then can create a new policy for people to use as a guideline in comparison with the present medical status. Just as ancient Chinese text stated, we ought to use rock to polish the rough ore so that the ore may become jade; we use the success of the past to base our present policies so we can one day create the better system.
