  • 期刊


Health Preserving with Medicine Food




食療 蔬果 養生


For thousands of years, the traditional Chinese medicine has been different from the Western medicine in the concept of disease. The traditional Chinese medicine particularly emphasizes the importance of food to the prevention and health care. For example, it is stated in [Suwen, Wuchang Zheng Dalun]: ”Treat disease by the substance with strong toxicity, get rid of six tenth. Treat disease by the substance without toxicity, get rid of nine tenth. Take the crop, meat, fruit and vegetable to get all nutrition, do not take excess amount to prevent getting injured.” It points out that we should not take excess medicine. To recuperate the disease with the crop, meat, fruit and vegetable is the most correct. If the characteristics of various foods can be understood and studied, it must be beneficial to human body by using their strength to offset their weaknesses. In this study, we chose the fruit and vegetable with high fiber and low fat, such as pear, apple, cucumber, kiwi fruit, tomato, lotus root, eggplant, fragrant-flowered garlic, turnip, celery, Chinese cabbage, and cauliflower to discuss their health-preserving benefits.

