  • 期刊


Reinvent the Second Blooming for Tea Farmers-Exploration for Recognition of the Traceability System and the Willingness to Participate




茶農 產銷履歷 認知 參與意願


Tea industry inherited from previous generations has undergone phases of agricultural transformation amid global competition as well as embracing the times of knowledge-based economy. At this moment, ”Traceability system” is well-poised to reinvent the second blooming for tea farmers. The research purpose is to understand farmers’ recognition of traceability system as well as their participation willingness. Collection for research information is primarily resulted from in-depth interviews with eight tea farmers located at Mingjian Township, Nantou County. Research findings unearthed the fact that tea farmers were aware of the values emanated from the traceability system; nonetheless, there were many challenges lying ahead and still waiting to be met, including resume information system, computer, and marketing, etc., the so called professional competencies, and all of these need strengthening as well. There is still plenty of room for improvement as far as the traceability system which the central government promoted to the tea farmers is concerned. In addition, the success or failure from the promotional efforts not necessarily rest merely on the shoulders of the tea farmers, in essence, the recognitions from the tea manufacturers, the marketing channels as well as end consumers would play an important role. Lastly, discussion and related promotional and educational recommendations in regard to traceability system are generated by the researchers. When the time comes for the consumer end’s recognition and acceptance which would totally embrace the traceability system as one of the consumer indices, then, it can proclaim that the time for comprehensive traceability system has arrived, and the second blooming for the Taiwan tea marching on down towards the global market would be just around the corner.


