  • 期刊


Organic Air Pollutant Emission Abatement from Gasoline Vehicles by Fueling Ethanol-gasoline Blends


本篇文章以汽油小客車為對象探討不同里程汽車使用酒精汽油為燃料所致引擎尾氣排放污染物特徵,並與市售95無鉛汽油比較瞭解排放差異。測試作業於車體動力計上進行,行駛型態為美國FTP-75行車型態,收集測試全程之尾氣排放空氣污染物。量測空氣污染物包括:揮發性有機污染物、醛酮化合物及有機性有害污染物(苯、甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯、甲醛及乙醛)等。研究結果顯示,不同里程汽車使用E3酒精混合汽油所排放總有機性空氣污染物皆較市售油為低,但減量比例並不明顯(低於10%);各污染物族群於低里程測試車有較高減量比例。特定有害空氣污染物之排放影響則顯示不同累計行駛里程車群使用E3酒精汽油除乙醛排放增加外,其餘5項有機性有害空氣污染物皆有減量效果,然排放變化比例不大,除苯以外,甲苯、乙苯、二甲苯及甲醛等排放變化多低於10%。中高里程汽車使用E3、E10及E20等不同比例酒精汽油之排放特徵研究結果顯示,使用E3至E20酒精汽油對不同里程測試車之總有機性空氣污染物及烷類及芳香烴類化合物排放與市售油相較皆有減量結果,減量比例隨乙醇含量增加而增加;中里程車輛減量較高里程車為多。特定有害空氣污染物分析結果顯示,使用E10及E20酒精汽油為燃料可使苯、甲苯、乙苯及二甲苯產生不同程度地減量(6-44%),但會增加乙醛排放,特別是在高里程車輛上乙醛排放增量更為明顯,排放係數由20 mg/km增加為27 mg/km(增加38%)。


In this study, gasoline passenger cars with different accumulated mileage were tested to investigate the ethanol-gasoline blend effect on emission abatement. Three ethanol-gasoline blends, containing 3, 10, and 20 % ethanol by volume in gasoline and with a constant research octane number were used as test fuels. The commercial unleaded gasoline (G95) was also tested as a reference case. Volatile organic compounds, carbonyls, and six organic air toxics were evaluated on a chassis dynamometer using the United States Federal Test Procedure. The results of seven gasoline passenger cars using E3 as fuel showed that the total organic air pollutant emission factors were lower than those of G95 for the test vehicles, but the emission reductions are lower than 10%. BTEX emissions also showed a low emission while using E3 as fuel at all tested vehicles. High emission reductions of organic air pollutant were observed at new or low-mileage cars. In addition, the results of two passenger cars with different accumulated mileage, i.e., mid-mileage (35,000 km), and high-mileage (140,000 km) cars, and three ethanol-gasoline blend s showed that the exhausts of these total organic pollutants and BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylenes) were lower while using ethanol-gasoline blends, even in the case of the high-mileage car fuelled with an E3 blend. However, formaldehyde and acetaldehyde emissions increased as the ethanol content in the gasoline was increased. The influence of ethanol blends on acetaldehyde emissions was more significant for the high-mileage car; there was an increase of 38% as compared to commercial gasoline. The emission factors are from 20 mg/km (G95) increasing to 27 mg/km (E20) in the high-mileage car.
