  • 期刊


Reliability Analysis of Lumbar Intervertebral Disk T2 Map at 3.0 TMRI


椎間盤退化症(Degenerative disk disease, DDD)與椎間盤內水分子的含量有顯著的關聯性,因此也影響著椎間盤組成成分T2弛豫時間(T2 relaxation time)的變化。今日的磁振造影技術,已可由非侵入性的T2弛豫時間圖像(T2 Map)來量化分析椎間盤內水分子的變化,提供了椎間盤退化症在病理與生理方面更多的訊息。本研究的主要目的為以組內相關系數(Intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC)來評估腰部椎間盤T2 Map之施測者內信度(Intra-rater reliability)、施測者間信度(Inter-rater reliability)與再測信度(Test-retest reliability),並藉以分析椎間盤之T2值與椎間盤退化症的相關性。本研究使用PHILIP 3.0T Achieva Xseries磁振造影儀,以Sense Spine Coil 15 elements線圈掃描6位無下背痛症狀之受試者。研究結果顯示矢狀切面與軸狀切面T2 Map,信度值都已達可接受範圍。矢狀切面之施測者內信度ICC值由0.996至0.824,施測者間信度ICC值由0.986至0.923,再測信度ICC值由0.929至0.725。軸狀切面之施測者內信度ICC值由0.996至0.981,施測者間信度ICC值由0.949至0.787,再測信度ICC值則為0.774至0.772。研究結果也顯示各退化等級間的平均T2值差距明顯,與椎間盤的退化有顯著性的相關(rho=-6.96, p=0.000, CI: 99%)。因此對於椎間盤退化症的診斷與對治療計畫成效的評估,T2 Map是一種非侵入性、無輻射、可定量、再現性高且相當準確的方法之一。


The closed correlation between Degenerative Disk Disease (DDD) and water content inside the lumbar inter-vertebral disc (IVD) strongly affects the distribution of T2 relaxation time in IVD. The T2 relaxation time map (T2 Map) is a noninvasive magnetic resonance method which can quantitatively reflect the water content of tissue and also provide more information of Degenerative Disk Disease (DDD) both on pathology and physiology. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the intra-rater reliability, inter-rater reliability, and test-retest reliability of values extracted from T2 map of IVD, as well as the connection of T2 values and DDD depending on Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC). The Philips 3.0T Achieva Xseries magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipped with Sense Spine Coil 15 elements was used to scan 6 healthy subjects without low back pain. The results indicated both of the reliability in sagittal plane and axial plane of T2 Map were in an acceptable range. The ICC of intra-rater reliability of sagittal plane varied from 0.996 to 0.824, inter-rater reliability varied from 0.986 to 0.923 and its test-retest reliability is from 0.929 to 0.725. In axial plane, the ICC of intra-rater reliability is from 0.996 to 0.981, inter-rater reliability is from 0.949 to 0.787 and the test-retest reliability is from 0.774 to 0.772. Our result also presented an apparent diversity of T2 values in each grade of DDD. Finally, we can conclude that T2 Map is a no-invasion, no-radiation, high reproducible and reliable evaluation tool on DDD.
