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Significant Tumor Reduction of Extensive Conjunctival Squamous Cell Carcinoma by Radiotherapy with Adjuvant Topical 0.04% Mitomycin C Treatment

局部放射線治療合併局部0.04% mitomycin C治療對於廣泛性結膜鱗狀上皮細胞癌有顯著療效


目的:報告一位具廣泛性結膜鱗狀上皮細胞癌之女性,經局部放射線治療合併局部化學治療後之成效。 方法:病例報告。 結果:一名罹患陳舊性系統性淋巴癌的79歲女性,因左眼眼眶腫塊至本院求診,理學檢查嶺現一個廣泛性乳突狀腫瘤(24 mm×19mm×11 mm)於左眼眼眶部,眼部電腦斷層及正子掃描顯示腫瘤位於眼眶及眼球結膜,但無眼內侵犯現象;腫瘤切片檢查為鱗狀上皮細胞癌。以局部放射線治療,但腫瘤無明顯消退,因此合併以0.04 % Mitomycin C進行局部化學治療後,腫瘤明顯縮小。於腫瘤消退時檢查左眼視力為零點三。 結論:局部放射線治療合併局部化學治療對於廣泛性結膜鱗狀上皮細胞癌是一種具潛力之治療方式。




Purpose: To report a Taiwanese female with extensive conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma significantly reduced by radiotherapy and adjuvant topical mitomycin C. Methods: Case report Result: A 79-year-old Taiwanese woman with a history of lymphoma visited our uveitis service due to suspected ocular metastasis. On examination, an extensive papilliform conjunctival mass (24 mm×19mm×11 mm) with periorbital region involvement was observed over the left eye. Orbital computed tomography (CT) scan and positron emission tomography (PET) demonstrated a massive suspected malignant mass lesion over the peribulbar region without intraocular invasion. Under impression of conjunctival lymphoma, incisional biopsy was performed, revealing squamous cell carcinoma. Focal radiotherapy was applied but showed limited response. Therefore, adjuvant topical 0.04% mitomycin C was prescribed. Dramatic tumor reduction was observed with visual acuity of 6/20 achieved after radiation and adjuvant topical chemotherapy. Conclusions: Radiotherapy with adjuvant topical chemotherapy shows potential in the management of extensive conjunctival squamous cell carcinoma.
