  • 期刊


Estimation of Evapotranspiration of Crops by a Small Evaporator


作物需水量的掌握不但是水資源規劃利用的重要因子,更是擬定灌溉計劃的依據。研究以自製小型蒸發盆作為作物反應氣象狀況之蒸發散來取代需利用繁雜公式與理論的方法,以協助農民有效的掌握作物需水量。 本研究即針對自制簡易蒸發盆與A型蒸發皿、Penman-Monteith (Allen et al. , 1994)估算法及Feedes et al. (1978)的土壤水分管理模式,在桃園、台南等地區收集1998年2月至1999年1月的氣象資料進行迴歸分析與比較,藉以確立自製簡易蒸發盆作為估算作物蒸發散量之適用性。 結果顯示,自製小型蒸發盆之蒸發量分別與Penman-Monteith法所估算出的潛勢蒸發散量、A型蒸發皿蒸發量、土壤水分管理模式的理論計算值皆有顯著相關性,其中又以多日資料累加的計算方式可以得到較高的線性關係。證明使用自製小型蒸發盆來模擬作物之潛勢蒸發散量並據以進行水分管理為一可行且簡便的方法。


蒸發盆 蒸發散 作物係數


Crop water requirement is not only an important factor for water resource management, but also a major reference for the irrigation planning. Most researchers used different climate information, theories and formulae for their estimation. However, it will be very helpful for the farmers to obtain the crop water requirement in a more convenient method. The miniature self-designed evaporator, instead of complicated tools and formulae, is for the purpose of helping the farmers to irrigate their crops. We collected the climate data from February, 1998 to January, 1999 in Taoyuan and Tainan areas and measured the evaporation rates with the small self-designed evaporator. Standard A-typed evaporator, Penman-Monteith (Allen et al., 1994) formular, and Feddes et al. (1978) model were taken to compare with each oter for the evaporation or evaportranspiration. The results showed that there were significant relationships among all the different methodologies. The better linear relationship will be obtained if the climate data for information for several days were accumulated and applied. It proved the miniature self-designed evaporator had it potential for further application in crop water management.


