  • 期刊


Marker-assisted Selection for Less Grain Chalkiness Lines of Rice


水稻近年的育種趨勢除了追求穩定高產的目標外,提升米質亦為重點方向之一。白堊質米粒不但容易造成碾米時米粒斷裂,白米外觀亦為消費者在選購小包裝米的重要參考依據;然白堊質常受到環境的影響,在不同品種間也存在著差異。本研究利用分子標誌輔助選拔(marker-assisted-selection; MAS)之技術,以白堊質率低的水稻品種「越光」及高產品種「台農67號」作為雜交親本,建立F_2衍生系並區分為兩個族群進行。其中,先行利用150個衍生系以112個SSR及InDel分子標誌建立連鎖群圖譜,並評估該族群F_2和F_(2:3)之白米白堊質粒率、白堊質面積與白堊質程度,以及株高、穗數與抽穗期等農藝性狀,以區間定位法定位得到三個重要數量性狀基因,分別位於第5、7及12對染色體處,其表現相關的分子標誌為RM1248、CH0701及RM6306;另外再結合一組與「越光」食味品質表現相關的分子標誌RM4108,共同作為另一族群(860個F2衍生系)的篩選。由以上4個分子標誌篩選得到的23個優良品系,自2011年第2期作起分別種植於嘉義、桃園及臺東,進行產量、米質及其他農藝性狀的綜合評估,再配合利用分子標誌針對這些獲選的優良品系中白堊質相關性狀之分離基因座進行純化和單株選拔,最後推薦19個米質佳、豐產的優質品系做為各參試單位命名及推廣之參考。


Recently the trend in rice breeding is not only focused on higher and stable yield of grains, but also the quality of grains. The chalky grains are easily broken during the process of milling, and the appearance of grains is the important reference for consumers when they are buying a small pack of rice. However, the trait of chalkiness is easily affected by environment, and it also varies among rice varieties. In this study, we used marker-assisted-selection (MAS) to select superior lines with less chalky grain. The F2 derivative lines developed from a cross between varieties 'Koshihikari' (less chalkiness) and 'TNG67' (high yield) were divided into mapping population and MAS population. A total of 150 lines were used to establish linkage map with 112 SSR and InDel markers, and map QTLs (quantitative trait loci) related to the percentage of grains with chalkiness, area of chalky endosperm, degree of endosperm chalkiness, and some agronomic traits. Three QTLs mapped around markers RM1248, CH0701 and RM6306 were distributed on 5th, 7th and 12th chromosomes, respectively. These markers were applied to screen 860 F2 derivative lines, and 23 superior lines were selected. These superior lines were planted in Taoyuan, Chiayi and Taitung to assess grain yield, grain quality and other agronomic traits, and were purified with SSR markers. Further characterization of 19 lines with excellent grain quality and high grain yield were recommended as the reference of extension and registration of plant variety properties for all participating breeding stations or research institutes.


Rice Marker-assisted selection Chalkiness
