

面對人口持續增加、可耕地面積持續下降及全球氣候變遷之際,作物育種需要提升作物單位面積之產量及對生物和非生物逆境之抗性。作物可應用於農業、工業與醫療之特殊用途, 育種目標朝向多元化;在邁向永續農業與智慧農業之際,需要與以往不同的標的性狀。育種,從具有遺傳變異之族群, 依偏好的性狀選拔個體,始於馴化;爾後,再以雜交和誘變創造遺傳組成的變異,後以納入DNA生物技術於育種程序之分子育種。分子育種方法中,分子標誌輔助選育是於傳統的雜交子代中以分子標誌基因型分析作為選拔依據,提升選拔效率;基因改造和基因編輯則是利用遺傳工程應用於作物改良,可以針對特定的性狀做改良。如何從未開發的種原探勘更多有用的基因是一個重要的課題,善用這些各有其優點的育種方法,以精準有效率之育種程序,以培育出滿足多樣化的品種,勢在必行,方能達到維持糧食安全、增加農業產值之目標。




In the face of global climate change, a rising world population, and reducing agricultural lands, breeding goals of crops are aimed to increase yield per hectare and resistances to biotic and abiotic stresses. Plant breeders need to focus on not only traits with the greatest potential to increase yield, but characteristics exploited in multidimensional applications in agricultures, medicines, and industries. Hence, diverse traits should be targeted to meet the demands for goals in the era of sustainable agriculture and smart agriculture. Breeding of the existing crops have commenced from the process of domestication, moved on to hybrid and mutation breeding, and came to molecular breeding with the implication of DNA biotechnology. Marker-assisted selection can greatly accelerate breeding processes by increasing selection efficiency using DNA markers in genotyping of populations derived from hybridization. Genetic modification and gene editing, two types of genetic engineering, can improve specific traits by gene insertion or modification. Moreover, untapped natural germplasm is an important task to discover genes for application in plant breeding. By taking advantages of these methods, efficient and precise breeding programs for elite varieties that meet diverse demands can be achieved in order to keep food security and promote agricultural output.



