  • 期刊


Growth and Physiological Responses of Rehabilitated Rhizophora Stylosa Saplings in Anping Harbour, Taiwan


安平港紅樹林復育計畫在1996及1998年曾直插復育五梨跤(Rhizophora stylosa)胎生苗,本研究繼續探討成活稚樹在不同光環境下,枝條、支持根、樹冠、葉片特性及各部位養分濃度之差異。結果顯示1998年直插成活而生長在全光環境(相對光度100%)之稚樹,第1至第4枝條長度、葉片數及葉面積均較生長於海茄苳(Avicennia marina)林內遮蔭環境者(相對光度7%)為高;而1996年直插成活者,上述參數則以林內遮蔭環境者較高。至於稚樹之枝條角度則未因直插時間及光環境不同而有差異,但支持根長度及角度則以生長在林外全光環境者較大。1998年直插胎生苗成活之稚樹,樹冠幅及樹冠投影面積未因光環境不同而有差異;但1996年直插成活者,則以全光環境之樹冠參數較遮蔭環境者大。1998年直插胎生苗在2種光環境生長之稚樹,其葉片形態特性、含水率及葉綠素濃度並無差異,惟1996年直插成活者,上述葉部參數均以林內遮蔭環境者較高。2次直插成活之稚樹無論生長在全光或遮蔭環境者,大致上葉、莖及地上部支持根的N、P、K、Na、Ca及Mg等養分濃度未呈顯著差異。綜合研究結果可知,安平港復育之五梨跤稚樹在不同光環境下,其枝條、支持根、樹冠及葉片特性等應與林木年齡有關。


Anping harbour mangrove rehabilitative project involved direct sowing of Rhizophora stylosa viviparous seedlings in 1996 and 1998. The aims of this study were to examine branch, prop root, canopy, leaf characters and nutrient concentrations of rehabilitated R. stylosa saplings under different light environments. Results indicated that branch length, leaf numbers, and leaf area of the first to fourth branches of saplings produced from propagules sown in 1998 grown in a fully lit environment (relative light intensity was 100%) were significantly higher than those grown under a Avicennia marina canopy shade environment (relative light intensity was 7%). However, the above-mentioned parameters of saplings grown from propagules sown in 1996 were significantly higher for those saplings grown in a shaded environment. The branching angles of saplings showed no significant difference between propagules sown in a shaded and fully lit environment. However, prop root length and the angles of saplings were higher when grown in a fully lit environment. Canopy spreads and canopy areas of saplings produced from propagules sown in 1998 grown in different light environments showed no significant difference. However, the canopy parameters of saplings grown in a fully lit environment were higher than those in the shaded environment for the saplings sown in 1996. Leaf characters, water content and chlorophyll concentration of saplings produced from propagules sown in 1998 showed no significant difference in the fully lit environment, but saplings grown under a sheltered canopy had higher leaf traits for those sown in 1996. Approximate N, P, K, Na, Ca and Mg concentrations in the leaf, stem and prop root of saplings grown in a full lit or sheltered environment showed no significant difference for the two sowing time. In summary, the variation in the branch, prop root, canopy and leaf characters of Anping harbour rehabilitative R. stylosa saplings grown in differently lit environments may change with tree ages.


