  • 期刊


Green Color Protection of Makino Bamboo (Phyllostachys Makinoi): A Review


桂竹(Phyllostachys makinoi Hayata)為台灣重要本土性竹林資源,翠綠的竹青彰顯出生命的活力。如何保有此天然資材的特點並拓展其應用,一直是竹材加工業者所重視的課題。近年來,國內研究人員致力於與竹青保綠有關之研究,多以孟宗竹(Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel)及麻竹(Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro)為研究對象,兩者在保綠效果及堅牢度方面均已獲得良好的成效。此外,以本土高經濟竹種-桂竹保綠有關的研究也有突破性地進展。因此,筆者將近年來所有發表於國、內外有關桂竹竹青保綠技術開發之研究成果作一系統性的回顧與整理,希望有助於提升桂竹材料之加工利用及應用領域之開發。


竹子 竹青保綠 綠色堅牢度 流失性 桂竹


In Taiwan, makino bamboo (Phyllostachys makinoi Hayata) is an important forest resource. The attractive green color of its epidermis even more manifests the spirit of life. In view of this, how to protect this characteristics and to develop its applications are imperative for bamboo processing industries. In the past decade, several inorganic salts were proven to be effective green color protectors for both ma bamboo (Dendrocalamus latiflorus Munro) and moso bamboo (Phyllostachys pubescens Mazel), but non-effective for makino bamboo. Until recent years, some appropriate green color protectors and a new one-step treatment process were developed successfully by Chang and his co-workers. It demonstrated that without alkali-pretreatment, an excellent green color protection could be obtained when the makino bamboo culms were treated with these protectors under proper conditions. In this paper, we review the published articles related to the reagents and treatment methods for green color protection of makino bamboo, and discuss the properties of treated bamboo.
