  • 期刊


Estimating Carbon Storage of Taiwania Grown Under Different Thinning Treatments in Lu-Kuei Area Using the Drilling Resistance Technique




生物量 碳貯存量 疏伐 台灣杉


The effects of different thinning treatments on the biomass and carbon storage of young Taiwania (Taiwania cryptomeriodies Hay) using non-destructive evaluation (NDE) for tree growth and ring density characteristics of drilling resistance technique were investigated. The estimated carbon storage values of individual tree in thinning treatment were higher than no thinning treatment at the same age due to volume (diameter at breast height and height growth) of individual tree increased by thinning intensities. The forest biomass and carbon storage were increased with the increase of the tree ages. The average gross biomass and carbon storage per unit area in the 12 years after thinning treatments showed the following trend: no thinning > medium thinning > heavy thinning, but the average net productivity per unit area showed the following trend: medium thinning > no thinning > heavy thinning. Moreover, the average values of the productively (biomass and carbon storage) obtained from the trees of 6 years after medium thinning were higher than from trees of no thinning. The average rate of trees mortality for heavy thinning, medium thinning, and no thinning were 3.8%, 4.1%, and 11.1%, respectively. In addition, the effects of thinning on the average annual productivity were not statistically significant. Thus, the canopy of Taiwania in 12 years after thinning have been grown in closing and competing. Hence, the trees of closed crowns need to be released by second thinning regimens. A substantial amount of the thinned tree (wood) could be utilized for wood-based material applications and carbon stock in wood product. In this study, an increase in tree competition was followed by an addition in rates of mortality as a result of decelerated carbon storage in forest due to accelerated biomass decomposition released to atmosphere layer. In the light of the above results and reasons, the average gross productivity of biomass and carbon storage per unit area obtained from trees of medium thinning were higher than no thinning, and the trees of heavy thinning were similar to the trees of no thinning. Therefore, the appropriate forest management (ex. Silvicultural practices and tending) of plantation is very important.


Biomass Carbon storage Thinning Taiwania


