  • 期刊


Do Birds in the Urban Green Area Change Their Tolerance to Human Disturbance?-A Case Study of the Taipei Botanical Garden




Urban green areas may serve not only as refuges for birds, but also as places for outdoor recreational activities for humans. However, human presence can disturb bird species with negative effects. Understanding bird tolerance to humans may be ultimately useful for reducing the negative impacts of bird-human interactions. To estimate the bird tolerance to human disturbance, we investigated detection distance, flight initiation distance, and landing distance of eight bird species in the Taipei Botanical Garden from January to May, 2010. We also recorded the species, its original height, flight height, moving height, and the habitat structure factors. Species vary their tolerance levels. For examples, Streptopelia chinensis detected the approaching people in the earliest moment and it flew the longest and the highest distances. Pica pica displaced itself in the earliest moment as people approached. Generally, the groundinhabited species had less tolerance to human disturbance than the tree-inhabited species. Gorsachius melanolophus had a higher level of tolerance to human than we expected. It might increase its tolerance according to its inconspicuous appearance. The ground-inhabited species, except Gorsachius melanolophus, increased their tolerance to human with decreased body mass; however, the tree-inhabited species did not have the tendency. We suggest that Dendrocitta formosae may habituate to human feeding and therefore may increase its tolerance to human disturbance. Gorsachius melanolophus, Pycnonotus sinensis and Passer montanus increased their tolerances to human disturbance with the increased building and paved ground covers. This result, which is contrary to our expectation, may reflect the impact of human feeding on the bird's tolerance to human disturbance. We recommend that bird feeding by visitors should be prohibited strictly in the Taipei Botanical Garden. Otherwise, it may affect the birds negatively at the individual, population and community levels.


Saito, M. (2014). 臺灣都市化進程對繁殖鳥類的影響 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.02944
