  • 期刊


The Impact of Service Climate on Cstomer Satisfaction in Customer Service Center


企業為了維持競爭優勢,都將顧客對服務品質之評價視為重點的考量。因此設置客服中心為顧客提供顧客正確及可靠的產品相關資訊,並展現良好的服務給予顧客,以獲得較佳的經營績效。而客服中心為提升服務績效,極須建立較佳的服務氣候,使員工能達到更好的服務績效,所以,本文將根據服務氣候理論來探討客服中心所呈現之服務氣候對於顧客滿意度與員工服務績效的影響,以及營造良好的服務氣候是否會增加顧客滿意度及員工服務績效。 本文以個案公司之客戶及客服人員進行施測,抽樣時採取便利抽樣。總共發放問卷各為50份,員工有放回收問卷為42份。顧客有效回生問卷為42份。研究發現:1.員工的投入與服務訓練皆能使提升組織內的服務氣候,因為當員工認知到組織提升其服務氣候時,亦能提升員工的服務績效與顧客滿意度;2.員工的服務品質可調和服務氣候和顧客滿意度之間的關係,使服務氣候與顧客滿意度之間有正向的關係;3.客服中心能營造良好的服務氣候,則會增加顧客滿意度及員工服務績效。


To maintain competitive advantages over others, companies are beginning to evaluate customers' responses to service quality and evaluation as key considerations. Therefore, companies set up customer service centers to provide customers with accurate and reliable information, and also demonstrate good services to customers in order to obtain better business performances. To do so, companies should create better service environment, so that employees can improve on their service performances. Therefore, this article explores the impact of service environment based on customer satisfaction and employee's service performances in customer service center, and whether creating a favorable service environment will increase customer satisfaction and employee's service performance. In this paper, we've conducted surveys of companies, customers, and customer service employees. We used random sampling to select the survey candidates. We issued 50 surveys separately, then received 42 available surveys from employees, and received 42 available surveys from customers. The results show: 1) employees demonstrate higher service performance and contributions when they perceive that companies have enhanced their organizational and service environment; 2) service environment has direct effect on the relationship between service employees and customers. Likewise, when the service environment is at a high stale, the customer satisfaction and employee's performance level are both high; 3) creating a favorable customer service environment will ultimately increases customer satisfaction and employee's service performance.


古文毅(2017)。銀行服務品質與顧客滿意度之研究 -以聯邦銀行為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00818
