  • 期刊


The Study of Relationship between the Health Belief and the Return Visit Behavior of Hepatitis B Carrier


The present study aims to utilize Health Belief Model to explore the factors influencing Hepatitis B Carrier's health beliefs and the return visit behavior. The cross sectional method is employed. Participants invited to the study are those been diagnosed as Hepatitis B Carrier and receive medical care from one medical center in eastern Taiwan. Data are collected through a telephone interview using a structured questionnaire. A total of 453 telephone interview are conduced and 418 valid questionnaires were returned. The result indicate that 39.7% of the participants return to the outpatient department for health check-up routinely. The group in 61 years of age and older demonstrates the higher return visit rate than the age group of 31~40 years old. The result from Pearson correlation analysis suggests: (1) a positive correlation between the return visit behavior and the perceived susceptibility, severity, and benefits of Hepatitis B Carrier and yet; (2) a negative correlation between perceived barriers of Hepatitis B Carrier and the return visit behavior. The multiple regression analysis shows that age is a predictor of the return visit behavior to participants' perceived susceptibility, severity, and benefits of Hepatitis B Carrier, and it appears to have prediction confidence rate of 21%. The result from the study suggests that the needs for health care facilities and providers to reinforce the patient follow-up management and patient education in order to reduce the incidence of Hepatitis B.


The present study aims to utilize Health Belief Model to explore the factors influencing Hepatitis B Carrier's health beliefs and the return visit behavior. The cross sectional method is employed. Participants invited to the study are those been diagnosed as Hepatitis B Carrier and receive medical care from one medical center in eastern Taiwan. Data are collected through a telephone interview using a structured questionnaire. A total of 453 telephone interview are conduced and 418 valid questionnaires were returned. The result indicate that 39.7% of the participants return to the outpatient department for health check-up routinely. The group in 61 years of age and older demonstrates the higher return visit rate than the age group of 31~40 years old. The result from Pearson correlation analysis suggests: (1) a positive correlation between the return visit behavior and the perceived susceptibility, severity, and benefits of Hepatitis B Carrier and yet; (2) a negative correlation between perceived barriers of Hepatitis B Carrier and the return visit behavior. The multiple regression analysis shows that age is a predictor of the return visit behavior to participants' perceived susceptibility, severity, and benefits of Hepatitis B Carrier, and it appears to have prediction confidence rate of 21%. The result from the study suggests that the needs for health care facilities and providers to reinforce the patient follow-up management and patient education in order to reduce the incidence of Hepatitis B.


行政院衛生署國民健康局,2008a,死因統計結果,衛生統計資訊網,http://www.doh.gov.tw/statistic/data/死因摘要/94年/1.xls.,2010/11/30 取得。
行政院衛生署國民健康局,2008b,民國96 年癌症登記報告,健康統計,http://www.bhp.doh.gov.tw/BHPnet/Portal/Statistics.aspx,2010/11/30取得。


