  • 期刊


Two- and Three-Dimensional Stress and Displacement Analyses of CLSM Backfill Using ANSYS


以節能減碳的再生材料--控制性低強度材料(Controlled Low Strength Materials; CLSM)替代傳統材料運用於回填工程,其具有自充填、易開挖、低成本的特質。為了解擋土回填結構之安全性及穩定性,本研究使用有限元素分析軟體ANSYS V17分析級配土、CLSM-B80/30%、CLSM-B130/30%使用於擋土回填結構,在三種外力(集中力、條狀均佈力及均佈力)作用下的應力及變位情形。二維分析為平面應變,使用PLANE183元素,三維分析擋土牆長度為20公尺,厚高比(B/H值)為2,元素使用SOLID186。二維與三維有限元素應力及變位分析結果顯示,三種材料受相同載重作用下,使用CLSM-B130/30%回填之沉陷量最小,級配土沉陷量最大,CLSM-B80/30%及CLSM-B130/30%之回填表面沉陷量為級配土之40%及10%,CLSM確實優於一般回填土壤,說明CLSM材料性質的優越性並能應用於擋土結構之回填工程。


Applications of Controlled Low-Strength Materials (CLSM) are environmental low-cost and sustainable, for example retaining walls. In these applications, the capacity to carry static loading coming from vehicles above the embankments are required. Analytical and experimental studies of these practical cases are difficult and costly. Numerical simulation and analysis such as the use of finite element methods are economically feasible. This research attempt to employ software ANSYS V17 to investigate the two- and three-dimensional static characteristics of the CLSM embankments of retaining wall. The 2D PLANE183 and 3D SOLID186 elements of ANSYS were employed to analyze three kinds of embankment materials: graded sands, CLSM-B80/30% and CLSM-B130/30% and three kinds of surcharges: concentrated loads, uniformly strip loads and uniformly lane loads. Surface settlements and lateral earth pressures were carefully examined and compared. Results showed that surface settlements of CLSM-B80/30% and CLSM-B130/30 were only 40% and 10% of those of graded sands. This research proved that CLSMs were efficient and economically sustainable materials for excavation and backfill.


CLSM Backf ill after Retaining Wall ANSYS FEM
