  • 期刊


Effects of Different Light Intensity and Quality on the Growth of Potato Plantlets in vitro Using Super-Bright Red and Blue LED


本研究以自行研發的超高亮度紅光與藍光發光二極體(LED)燈具為人工光源,透過驅動器調整其光量與光質,配合兩種允許上方透光的組培容器進行馬鈴薯(Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Kennebec)組培苗的栽培試驗,旨在探討應用此種新型光源(以LEDSet稱之)與使用傳統的螢光燈管在馬鈴薯栽培上的差異。28天的試驗結果顯示間歇給光方式的栽培,在促進馬鈴薯組培苗生長速率方面優於連續及變動(閃爍)給光與同時供應紅光與藍光,生長速率最佳;當提供紅光與藍光的時間不等時,同時提供兩者的時間愈長愈好。LED具有體積小、壽命長、耗電小、衰減少、波長固定、幾乎不發熱及使用直流電等優點,目前藍光LED的單價雖仍偏高,但在不遠的將來,在組培環控室中使用LED作為新的人工光源應是指日可待。


發光二極體 組織培養 光量 光質


A light mounting fixture using super-bright red and blue LEDs were used as the artificial light source for the production of potato plantlets in vitro. With the help of a driver, the amount of red and blue light can be adjusted separately, thus, providing the capability of adjusting quantity and quality of light. In this study, the focus was on the feasibility of growing potato plantlets in vitro effectively using this new light source (named LEDSet). After 28 days of experiment, we found that the growth rate was enhanced when plantlets cultured under intermittent light than under continuous or fluctuating light. Also found that providing blue and red light at the same time had the highest growth rate. The advantages of using LEDs including: small in size, long usable life, low extinction, low electricity consumption, fixed wavelength, little heat generated and use direct current as power source. The only drawback is the cost. It is generally believed that the cost will be reduced a lot in the near future. Eventually, using LEDs as the light source for the growth of tissue culture plantlets in an environmental controlled chamber will be cost effective.


Chen, S. F. (2013). 高頻調變砷化鎵/砷化鋁鎵系列近紅外光發光二極體之研究 [doctoral dissertation, National Tsing Hua University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2013.00061
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