  • 期刊

Analysis of Endodontic Referral Cases in a Dental Teaching Hospital in Taiwan


Information on referral patterns not only provides valuable knowledge about referral cases to the general practitioner and specialist but also may affect special training programs of endodontics. This study was undertaken to investigate the reasons for referral of 199 patients (including 249 teeth) referred to the Endodontic Section of the Dental Department of Taipei Veterans General Hospital from August 2003 to July 2004. The results demonstrated that the 3 most common reasons for referral were calcified canals (38.6%), endodontic retreatment (36.1%), and symptoms persistence (34.9%). After thorough clinical examinations, 178 teeth proceeded to endodontic treatment. Nonsurgical approach was performed in 92.2% of teeth. The problems encountered with individual tooth were reassessed after beginning the endodontic treatment. The 3 most common problems were symptoms persistence (63.5%), calcified canals (60.1%), and teeth with prior root canal filling materials (57.9%). More than half of the teeth had problems that had not been addressed by the referring dentists. 1n 12.4% of the teeth, the reasons for referral did not even match the actual problems encountered. At least 1 of the reasons for referral was resolved in most of the referral cases. Endodontists should keep in mind that the problems encountered with referral cases more be much more complicated than those mentioned by the referring dentists.


referral endodontist general practitioner
