  • 會議論文


Collection Development Study for the Technological and Vocational Education Libraries in the Digital Age


圖書館館藏發展政策之擬定關係著圖書館支援教學、配合研究與推廣學術使命的推展。同樣的,數位時代下的技專院校圖書館館藏發展,與其他類型圖書館一樣,遭受到外在多元化資訊科技環境改變的威脅和圖書館內在困境。圖書館館藏發展的未來,除了館員需能持續進修、吸收新知,以開放的胸襟接納新的觀念,圖書館更應發揮創意,善用無線科技網路及數位生活下之科技產品,應用於圖書館以方便管理並堅持以專業的選擇,提供給讀者有用的資源,圖書館便能永續經營,並讓讀者大開眼界。 未來圖書館的館藏發展方向該如何來尋找突破方式,從一些數據顯示,近年來為數眾多的技專校院陸續改建或新建圖書館館舍、區域性的圖書館聯盟,表現出技專院校圖書館跨校合作的另一種嚐試,這些都是近年來技專校院圖書館的蛻變及嚐試轉機。文中更詳述三年來執行教育部「南區技專校院圖書館校際整合聯盟計畫」所穫得之經驗與啓示,可提供欲組成圖書館聯盟者之參考。


Collection Development Policy has a significant influence on a library missions and developments of supporting teachers aiding research and promoting academic study. Likewise the Technological and Vocational Education Libraries as other libraries are threating by Digital era. The future of Library Collection Development depends on librarians' continue job training open mind for new ideas; using wireless network and digital life technology well in their libraries. Creating new service ideas in libraries will open readers' eyes. Libraries will continue running if only their librarians keep on provide high quality resources and useful information to their users. What will happen for the Library Collection Development in the possible future? Recently lots of new library buildings was builded and many library consortiums was organized in the Technological and Vocational Education Universities and Colleges. Those showed the Technological and Vocational Education Libraries were trying very hard to develop new perspectives in this digital age. The Technological and Vocational Education Libraries in the Southern part of Taiwan had started with a cooperation project among them under the support of the Ministry of Education for three years. The project called ”the Southern Taiwan Technological and Vocational Education Universities and Colleges Libraries Consortium”. In this paper we will introduce the background contents and implementation of this project.


