  • 期刊


A Study of Competition System in University Badminton Championship


目的:本研究目的旨在瞭解大專院校羽球錦標賽乙組競賽制度之採用情形,並探討不同競賽制度之下的比賽場次而選出最適切的競賽制度。方法:本研究以內容分析法進行,蒐集2002年至2006年大專院校羽球錦標賽或大專院校運動會之秩序冊及教練技術會議書面資料,針對參賽人數較多之乙組參賽選手的競賽制度、比賽場次加以統計及分析,同時,以Microsoft Excel 2003計算與比較在不同競賽制度下的比賽場次。結果:(1)2002年至2004年乙組團體賽皆採用分組循環預賽每組取1名進入決賽;至2005年開始採用分組循環預賽每組取2名進入決賽。(2)6種不同競賽制度之中,以3隊為一組單循環預賽2名進入單淘汰決賽與4隊為一組單循環預賽取1名進入單淘汰決賽的競賽場次較為中庸,且兩者的競賽場次相差不大。結論:因此,以3隊為一組單循環預賽取2名進入單淘汰決賽的競賽制度較適切。


Purpose: The purposes of this study were to analyze the competition system of university badminton championship, and try to find a suitable one in different systems. method: This study took content analysis to collect program and printed paper in technical meeting for coach of university badminton championship or universiade games from 2002 to 2006. To analyze the competition system, match amount of B grade which had more participators, and use Microsoft Excel 2003 to calculate and compare match amounts in different system. result: (1)The team competition systems of B grade were the same which was taken groups circle in preliminary, and select the best team of each group to take part in finals from 2002 to 2004;2005 started to select the best 2 teams of each group to take part in finals.(2)The match amounts of 3 teams in one group to take circle competition in preliminary, and select the best 2 teams of each group to take part in finals; or 4 teams in one group to take circle competition in preliminary, and select the best team of each group to take part in finals were medium in 6 different systems, and there was not much different between them. conclusion: Make 3 teams in one group to take circle competition in preliminary, and select the best 2 teams of each group to take part in finals was the best competition.
