  • 期刊


The Constitutional Protection for the Entitlement of Pension




Generally speaking, ”pension” means the making of regularly continuous payments in cash to support the elderly's retirement. To provide every citizen with a reasonable income after retirement, every individual can purchase insurance cover, or the State can provide national welfare benefits or a national insurance scheme. However, by the natural of insurance which places entire emphasis on the exchange of insurance costs and the receiving of pensions at-later days and which is normally compulsory, such characters are incompatible with freedom of choice and the protection of property rights which are proclaimed by the Constitution. Traditionally, it is rare in this country to adopt a so-called pension scheme to support the elderly on a regular basis, nevertheless, with the attempt to integrate various systems of welfare payments, a shift to establish a reliable pension system becomes an unstoppable trend. As long as the Constitution is concerned, those relevant leading cases are mainly about the safeguarding of the property rights of the civil servants which are closely related to the doctrine of special power relations. The right of a retired civil servant to claim a pension under the heading of property rights in public law has been repeatedly confirmed by the Grand Justices Council, however, it was not until Case No.434 of the Council's ruling that the right of expectancy over a pension was finally established. In contrast, the national pension scheme has long become a symbol of the Welfare State in Germany and its experiences in the handling of pension rights and rights of expectancy over pensions as constitutional issues have much to be learnt about. In this country, since the establishment of the National Heath Insurance Scheme and the draft of the proposed National Pension Insurance went public, it has become clear that the current various systems of social insurance tend to be simplified. The proposed scheme appears to adopt making pension payments by installments, and the level of payments is closely related to the rate of inflation. Therefore, it is highly likely that in the future issues concerning with the protection of property rights will become ever complicate. At the moment, any reform is still pending, and studies on this topic are increasing fast, this essay tries to explore our current pension systems and its possible development in the near future by making a start in discussing Case No.434 of the Grand Justices Council's ruling and also making references to the German experiences.


