  • 期刊


Airborne Bioaerosol Concentration in a Hospital Setting


本研究目的是探討醫院內不同區域的生物氣膠濃度分布特性,評估各區域之人數及開門次數對生物氣膠濃度之影響程度,以某醫學中心爲樣本醫院,在生物氣膠濃度採樣方面,是以安德森六階生物氣膠採樣器(Andersen six-stage viable sampler, Andersen sampler Inc, Atlanta, GA)及默克生物氣膠採樣器(MAS100 Merck air sampler)內置培養皿,採集細菌及生物氣膠,並進行真菌菌種鑑定,採集時同時計算在場的人數及開門次數,以評估其與生物氣膠濃度之相關性。 研究結果顯示領藥處及二樓的家醫科候診室,因其看診時間人多擁擠,生物氣膠濃度偏高,建議加强醫院內空調系統之換氣及清淨功能,及降低留在該區之人數,而外科加護病房及手術室氣膠濃度會隨著進出的人次數級開門次數而變化,可調高前室的正壓、風量及換氣次數,减少因開門造成氣流流動而帶進病房的微生物量,另外爲避免細菌濃度上升,建議外科加護病房應减少不必要進出之次數,以降低患者傷口感染的機率。


The purpose of this research was to investigate the characteristics concentration and distribution of bioaerosols in a hospital setting and evaluate the influence of number of number of people and that frequency doors are opened in several locations in the sample hospital. One medical center was chosen as our sample hospital. Bacterial and fungal bioaerosols were collected with an Andersen six-stage Viable Sampler and a Merck Air Sampler. At the time each location within the hospital was sampled, the number of people were counted and the frequency with which the opened was calculated. Once data were collected, the relationship between bioaerosol concentration and location was analyzed. We found high concentration of bioaerosols in the pharmacy area and the family medicine waiting area. Thus, the ventilation and air conditioning filter system of these areas need regular inspection and maintenance and the number of people in these areas need to be reduced. We also suggest increasing positive air pressure, increasing amount and frequency air exhaust at the entrances of surgery intensive care units (SICU) to improve their air quality. By doing so, the number of microorganisms that are introduced to the areas through door-opening could be reduced during the visiting times. Methods such as these might help reduce the infection rate of hospitalized patients.


