  • 期刊


Psychological Responses toward Light and Heat in Interior Lighting




照明 燈具 色溫 室溫 視知覺


Illuminance, room temperature, and correlated color temperature are essential parameters of every interior lit space. They vary a lot. However, their variations correspond to users’ visual perception, preferences and degrees of comfort. To quest into such preferences and perceptions by concentrating on these parameters, this study ruled out possible distractions from such concerns as walls' luminance, room colors, and design styles, and constructed a full scale test lab simulating office space. In which, 6 sets of 4 by 14 Watt T5 fluorescent tubes ware assembled on an aluminum ceiling frame. Operated concurrently with 3 levels of room temperature and 2 kinds of color light, this ceiling which was chained on the building structure to ascend and descend provides uniformly distributed down lighting in 3 different lighting levels to house 4 subjects who filled out semantic differential questionnaires. Through such a design, the test result showed that subjects preferred 3000K color light to 6500K's under all sorts of semantic terms. Although it is important that office attendants keep vital and concentrated, the subjects take to the yellowish lit ambiance beyond the concern of where and when one is located. In addition, lower room temperature (20℃) and lower lighting level (200 lux) cause negative responses to lit environment, while higher room temperature (28℃) was tolerable to subjects in most occasions.


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