  • 期刊


An Explorative Action Research on the Chinese Language Program for Foreign Military Personnel


中原大學接受國防大學委訓外國軍官及軍校學生華語訓練班隊至今步入第四年。由於委訓班隊的學生背景,文化,學習動機與目標皆與一般以華語為第二語言之學習者有很多的不同。研究者在教學的過程,本行動研究之精神,進行改進並記錄過程,以期在軍事領域的華語教學中,綿盡拋磚引玉之力。 委訓班隊分為軍校學生班及資深軍官班,教學理念為「學習者中心」課程設計。學習期間分為四個時期,每個時期最短一個月,最長一個半月。教學過程不斷依據研究者之觀察訪談及學員生反應而修正課程和教學設計。並於六月底(學生班)與七月底(軍官班)分別實施學習問卷調查。結果顯示,一、軍官班與學生班皆適合「學習者中心」課程設計,對軍官班尤佳。二、由於軍中文化因素,軍官與學生若同班上課,會不利於課程教材設計與班級管理。三、學員生長時間進行正式學習語言,缺少社交練習機會。四、學員生對學習融入電腦網路華語學習資源使用有積極評價。


The purpose of the study is to improve the foreign military personnel TCSL training program entrusted by the National Defense University. The learners in the program contained cadets and officers. With military background and hierarchical culture, these personnel are different from general TCSL learners. According to the theoretical analysis from the perspective of adult education and cognitive theory, the adult officers should also have different needs from the young cadets and will react differently to the curriculum design and the instructional activities provided. An action research methodology was applied to refine and improve the curriculum design and instruction of the program. By ways of observation, interview, and survey, the results found that: 1. Both cadet and officers reacted positively to the student-centered design of curriculum and instruction while officers appeared more suitable for it. 2. The hierarchical system and culture in the military will finally cause difficulty in classroom management when cadets and officers were in the same class. 3. Both cadets and officers could not obtain enough exercise in speaking Mandarin in their daily life even though they were in a Chinese-speaking environment. More activities should be provided for learners' oral practices. 4. Students valued highly on the activities of using of computer and internet Chinese learning resources.


students-centered adult education military TCSL


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New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, No. 57


