  • 期刊


The Concept of Mindscape and the Spatial Pattern Language of Chinese Landscape Painting


中國傳統文人將心中的意境用詩詞與山水畫等藝術形式予以呈現,傳統中國園林更是將意境透過空間設計予以具體實踐。尤其山水畫中隱藏了豐富的空間模式。此次研究的主題為意境觀念與空間模式。『意境』是一個有空間向度的意識,分為三個層面來討論,第一層面的討論為意境的概念,將深入討論意境概念中禪宗、詩學、畫論傳統中的意境。第二層面,討論二維空間中的構圖方法,與文人山水畫裡的空間結構與位置經營。第三層面,試擬文人山水畫裡的空間模式,筆者企圖透過對意境的解釋與理解,將詩詞,文人山水畫中之空間元素進行分 與歸納,並以元、明兩個朝代之文人山水畫來做為空間模式分析的材料。本文以Alexander, Christopher的《A Pattern Language : Towns, Buildings, Construction》作為參考,試擬一系列的文山畫空間模式。


The ”mindscape” of Chinese literati was expressed in their poetries and landscape paintings. On the other side, Chinese classical gardens represent the ”mindscape” concretely in reality through spatial construction. Therefore, we can see abundant spatial patterns in these art forms, especially in the landscape paintings.The main topic of the research is the ”mindscape” and spatial pattern in the landscape paintings. ”Mindscape” is an emotional consciousness what was displayed in spatial dimension. The research was divided into three steps. First, the research explained the concept of ”mindscape” by discuss its significance in Zen, poetics and the theory of painting. Then, the research surveyed both the mode of composition in 2-dimensional space and spatial structures of landscape paintings. Finally, the research drew up the spatial pattern of landscape paintings.In order to achieve it, the research attempted to make an induction for the spatial element which in the ancient works by explaining the substance of ”mindscape”, referring landscape paintings in Yuan and Ming Dynasty. The book ”A Pattern Language: Towns, Buildings, Construction” has also been accepted as a reference book.
