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創意平台的會話資本經營:以TED與PechaKucha Night為例

Managing Conversational Capital of the Creative Platform: Based on TED and PKN


本研究援引Cesvet, Babinski, and Alper(2009)提出的八個引擎的「會話資本」(Conversational Capital)一概念作為研究核心,將人類的「會話」(Conversation)視為經濟學觀點中的一項資本,以Technology、Entertainment、Design(以下簡稱TED)和PechaKucha Night(以下簡稱PKN)兩個非營利組織作為研究個案,探討兩個案如何經營其會話資本。TED和PKN建構許多活動(Activities),這些活動的種種細節可被視為會話資本所描述的八個引擎,營造了一個適合共創的平台,讓充滿創意的人們和想法在上面互動與交流,因此人們願意主動口耳相傳,並大力支持。本研究除了萃取TED和PKN對應八個引擎的作為,並進一步分析八個引擎之間的關係。TED和PKN的作為很容易和會話資本所提八個引擎對照,本研究發現,兩者在八個引擎中充分展現「共創(Co-Create)」,集眾人之力來累積會話資本;此外,TED透過創用CC(Creative Commons)的授權方式將共創內容在網路世界分享、散佈,創用CC如同催化劑,加速了會話資本的累積速度與個案品牌的擴散。最重要的是,TED和PKN持續將會話資本投入共創平台,因此形成一個正向循環。本論文主要分為七部分,一是緒論,描述全球正捲起一股「會話浪潮」,這股浪潮已經展現其影響力;二是文獻探討,主要是援引Cesvet et al.(2009)的會話資本。三是提出研究架構;第四部分是TED和PKN個案描述;五是討論與分析;第六是研究發現;第七是結論與建議。


會話資本 共創 創用CC


This research is based on the concept of Conversational Capital proposed by Bertrand Cesvet (2009), viewing "conversation" as a form of capital in accordance with the definition from the economic perspective. This research takes two non-profit organizations, TED and PechaKucha Night (PKN), as case studies, and tends to explore how Conversational Capital is operated in these organizations. As creative platforms, TED and PNK both held various, yet different, activities to achieve their goals. These activities can be systematically framed under the criteria of the eight engines from the Conversational Capital, sculpturing a suitable environment for participants to co-create, interact and communicate, enhancing the motivates for people to spread positive word-of-mouth effects to support these creative platforms. Besides matching the activities of TED and PNK with the eight engines, this research also explores the relationship between the eight engines, analyzing the effects and influences triggered by one active engine to another. For research findings, first, TED and PNK both undertake methods of co-creation to accumulate Conversational Capital; second, TED uses Creative Commons licensing as a catalyst to spread its content in the virtual world, accelerating the diffusion of its brand; third, TED and PNK both continue to invest in Conversational Capital, forming a positive cycle which brings value to these two creative platforms. This research is constructed in seven sections. First is introduction, describing the phenomena and influence of the "conversation wave" throughout the world; second is the literature review of Conversational Capital; third, the research framework; fourth, the description of TED and PKN cases; fifth, the discussion and analysis of the cases; sixth, the researching findings; seventh, the conclusions and recommendations.


Chang, N. T. (2013). 創新生態系統的建構:以TED為例 [master's thesis, Tamkang University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2013.01204
