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Humanities in the ESL Classroom: A Practical and Cultural Application





人文內涵 文學 語言學習 文化 社會 讀寫能力


This paper attempts to investigate the possible role of using literature in promoting cultural and social awareness and advancing practical analytical skills that students will need in the future. Literature is a time-tested medium utilizing history and language to provoke the social skills of analytical thinking and integration of the imagination and the practical. In a sense, literature teaches individuals the art of being human. Our research project will map out a tested and successful formula to incorporate the teaching of literature with applied modern usage. We will use student’s essay papers, develop a curriculum that best utilizes literature with practical application, and survey to create additional research topics in the future. Findings will illustrate that the humanities is critical addition to students studying foreign languages, especially Western languages. In addition to social and cultural awareness and history, the humanities provide an appreciation of language and the expressive potential of language.
