  • 期刊


Research of Knowledge Transfer and Sharing in Military Factory: A Case Study for a Military Factory




軍工廠 知識移轉 知識分享


This research presents a case study subject of the purpose to focus on exterior knowledge transfer and internal knowledge sharing in the military factory, which including the knowledge transfer and sharing personnel, the barrier during the knowledge transfer and sharing, and enhancing organization factors. This research collects the entire literature based on four structural frame of the knowledge source, the receipt group, the knowledge transmission factor and knowledge transfer and sharing characteristics, combining two kind of different analysis tool of the quality and quantity to perform the relations of the literature, the interview, the questionnaire to make some overlapping comparative analysis, in order to improve more accurate on truthfulness and findings. Mainly, the research design collects information by way of depth interviews, and questionnaires. During the research process, the researcher interviewed with 5 of senior students and cadre instructors to implement the questionnaire survey from the military factory in order to obtain the most real situation. The following conclusions were made by induction and compares: (1) Undefined the explicit incentive system for knowledge transfer and sharing in the military factory (2) Uncertain to have specialty skill and knowledge on duty for cadre instructor (3) Interacting is not good enough between Project Manager and the team member, the research has provided the go forward of strategic proposal based on the conclusions.


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王淑玟(2003)。知識分享中社會鑲嵌效應之研究-以台灣IC 設計產業為例。國立東華大學國際企業研究所。
