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A Study of Printing Quality on Water Transfer Printing Using Digital Printing Process


目前市場傾向開發個性化商品,數位印刷(Digital Printing)不需製版、節省製程成本、圖文影像精細又能創造個性化塗裝效果;水披覆轉印(Water Transfer Printing)技術則能在不規則物體表面印刷出極佳的質感與效果,經過3D立體水披覆轉印彩裝後,產品整體質感提高,創造更多經濟價值;因此,本研究以數位印刷結合水披覆轉印塗裝技術,探討以數位印刷的三種網線數(180 lpi、160 lpi、144 lpi)印製PVA水轉印薄膜後,水披覆至被印材料ABS上,其色彩品質特性(滿版濃度、階調擴增、疊印能力、色差)之差異,透過量化的實驗量測與綜合分析發現:1.數位印刷三種網線數轉印前疊印能力極高,使轉印後色彩依然鮮豔;2.數位印刷網線數180lpi在數位印刷後或水批覆轉印後之滿版濃度與疊印能力上均有較佳的表現,若需轉印影像較為細緻、需要較高濃度與對比,則在前端數位印刷時使用180lpi印製;3. 144lpi在階調擴增方面表現最為穩定,若欲轉印的圖文影像以大面積、大塊花紋之圖像較多,則前端數位印刷時應選擇144lpi印製;4.轉印前後之滿版濃度、階調擴增與色差變化穩定,且具高顯色性,證實數位印刷流程與水披覆轉印流程相結合為可行。未來若繼續嘗試以曲面轉印,則能夠發展出穩定之個性化塗裝服務流程;本研究結果可作為印刷業界未來開發穩定的數位印刷印製PVA水披覆轉寫薄膜技術之參考。


數位印刷 水轉印 印刷品質


Digital Printing is able to create personalized press work. On the other hand, Water Transfer Printing is a revolutionary printing process by which objects are 3-dimensionally decorated using the principal of water pressure application. What's more, these kinds of decorations strongly increase the beauty, desirability and value of the objects. Therefore, this research is to investigate the potential use of combining Digital Printing with Water Transfer Printing in 3-dimensional decoration. The independent variables are types of Digital Printing screen line (180 lpi, 160 lpi and 144 lpi), then printed to the substrates-ABS film. In each combination, 30 samples were selected by systematic random sampling from 50 transfer printed sheets which were examined for printing quality (solid ink density, tone value increase, print contrast, ink trapping and color difference) of the Water Transfer Printing. Through the processes mentioned above, the research findings are as follows. 1. Through ElectroInk-Digital Printing, the three types of Digital Printing screen line all showed high ink trapping ability, which achieved the samples colorful after Water Transfer Printing. 2. 180lpi screen line, suited for printing delicate images, shows the best solid ink density, print contrast and ink trapping both on PVA and ABS films. 3. 144lpi screen line shows the most stable curve of tone value increase both on PVA and ABS films. 4. The colors are still vivid after Water Transfer Printing; therefore, combining Water Transfer Printing with ElectroInk-Digital A Study of Printing Quality on Water Transfer Printing Using Digital Printing Process Printing is proved to be feasible. This study is expected to support personalized painting service, broaden the usage of Digital Printing and Water Transfer Printing technology and be beneficial to those industry managers, government officers, and academics of the related field.


