  • 期刊


Work Values among Staff Nurses


工作價值觀為個人價值體系中的一部份,是個人在評價工作時所依據的標準,也是個人內在需求的表現;工作價值觀會影響一個人對工作所抱持的看法與態度,並引導個人工作行為與表現。本研究之目的是希望瞭解臨床護理人員工作價值觀狀況,並探討不同個人屬性之護理人員工作價值觀差異。研究設計採橫斷式調查法,以服務於同一醫療體系,兩院區之臨床護理人員為研究對象,利用「護理人員工作價值觀量表」,進行研究調查,共回收有效樣本208份,回收率為87%。所得資料利用SPSS for Window 12.0軟體進行描述統計、t檢定及單因子變異數分析。 研究結果顯示:1.護理人員整體工作價值觀平均為2.86分(滿分4分);2.工作價值觀三個構面中以內在價值得分最高,外在價值得分最低;3.工作價值觀各分量表中以「堅毅與能力」得分最高,「成就感」最低;4.同一醫療體系下不同院區之護理人員其工作價值觀無顯著差異。 醫療環境的快速變革,醫療服務朝向服務效率之提高與醫療品質之提昇邁進。本研究結果可提供醫院管理者了解護理人員工作價值觀;並促使護理主管瞭解基層護理人員之個人特質,做為人員選用與培育之參考,並據以提供個別性之正向激勵,滿足護理人員多元的需求,營造彈性、開放且正向的護理工作環境,穩定護理人力。


Work values are the basic beliefs and principles that guide individuals in the occupational decision-making process and subsequently affect job satisfaction. The purposes of this study were (a) to investigate work values among staff nurses and (b) to explore the impact of personal attributes on work values. A cross-sectional, descriptive and comparative research design was used. We utilized a convenience sample of 208 staff nurses who worked at 2 different teaching hospitals within one health care system. Data were collected using the Nurse's Work Value Scale developed by Liao and a demographic data survey. Descriptive statistics, t tests and ANOVA were used to analyze the data. The average score for work value was 2.86 on a 4-point scale. The participating nurses scored highest on the dimension of ”intrinsic value” and lowest on ”extrinsic value”. They scored highest on the subscale of ”perseverance and capability” and lowest on ”sense of achievement”. The research findings also indicated that there was no difference in work values among nurses working at two different hospitals within one health care system. Results of this study may provide hospital administrators with some insight into work values among staff nurses. Nurse administrators may take the findings of this study into consideration in order to provide positive rewards for staff nurses and to facilitate a positive work environment.


work values nurses


談喜春、楊宗龍、莊旺川、沈文娟、陳奕如、施麗珠、孫珮禎(2021)。員工健康齊步走 邁進健康綠色通道健康促進研究與實務4(1),10-15。https://doi.org/10.29442/HPRP.202101_4(1).0002
