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Care-seeking Experience and Attitudes toward Patient Rights among College Students in Central Taiwan


目的:本文針對大學生的求醫經驗和對病人權利中知情權的看法作初步探討,並且分成醫學系和非醫學相關科系學生加以比較,以了解不同背景的大學生對病人權利的看法與態度是否相同。 材料與方法:這份自填式問卷隨機抽訪中部9所大學,醫學生是以原班進行調查之外,其餘皆以修通識課程的學生爲主要調查對象,在徵得老師同意,於課堂上說明目的後,由同學自由選擇是否填答,有效問卷爲883份。 結果:醫學生和其他科系大學生的求醫經驗相當不同,看醫生時,醫療相關科系的學生對醫師的資料掌握較佳。在作爲病人的主動性方面,在主動向醫師詢問問題方面,醫學系學生和其他科系學生比例相近。和其他學生相比,醫學生對和知情權有關的各問題之認同感相對較低。醫學生最常從課堂中得到醫療資訊;非醫學醫學生最常透過媒體得到醫學常識。


Objective. The goal of this paper was to investigate care-seeking experience among medical students in central Taiwan and their attitudes toward patient rights. Materials and Methods. The survey instrument used was a self-administered questionnaire. A total of 883 students from nine different colleges in the Taichung metropolitan area of Taiwan completed the survey and were analyzed for this research. Contingency-table analysis and a test were used for statistical analysis. Results. Medical students were found to be different to other students in the area of care-seeking experience. Medical students were more likely to know information about the physicians involved in specific areas of care but there was no difference in the proportion asking questions of the physician between the medical students and the students from other majors. However, medical students were less likely to agree with the questions posed on patient rights. Finally, medical students obtained their medical information from their college classes, while students from other majors usually got such medical information from the mass media.


