  • 期刊


Factors Impacting Quality of Life in Dialysis Patients


本研究目的爲瞭解慢性腎衰竭患者接受血液透析治療生活品質之概況。本研究爲橫斷式相關性研究,採立意取樣之結構式問卷調查方法,收案195位中部地區某兩所教學醫院血液透析患者。研究工具爲結構式問卷,內容爲人口學特性、治療狀況、健康指標及台灣簡明版生活品質問卷。統計方法包括描述性分析、皮爾森積差相關係數分析、單因子變異數分析、複迴歸分析。 結果顯示:血液透析患者之心理範疇得分最低爲12.50分(SD=2.45),環境範疇得分最高爲13.64分(SD=2.08),血液透析患者的整體生活品質因不同的教育程度、收入、運動習慣、醫院別、慢性病數量而有不同,整體生活品質的重要預測因子爲教育程度國初中、有運動習慣、醫學中心及活動能力佳者。本研究結果可使醫療照護團隊獲得相關的認知,提供臨床醫護人員對於血液透析患者未來規劃照護措施之參考。


Aim: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to understand factors affecting quality of life (QOL) in chronic renal failure patients receiving dialysis. Methods: We adopted the purposive sampling method and used questionnaires to investigate QOL in these patients. A total of 195 patients receiving dialysis in two teaching hospitals in middle Taiwan were recruited. The structured questionnaire included demographic and treatment characteristics, health status indicators, and QOL. Domains measured included mental health, environment, [list them], with potential scores ranging from 0-30. Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient analysis, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis. [Now summarize the patients, like this: The patient population was an average of 57.4 years (range 33.2-74.1) and predominantly (63.4%) male. Most (99.2%) were married and had 7.3 years of schooling (range 5.2-14.1), typical for such rural populations. Most were on weekly dialysis (data), etc.] Results: Patients receiving dialysis treatment had the lowest mental health score, (12.5 of 30, SD=2.45) but the highest environment score (13.64 of 30, SD=2.08). QOL of these dialysis patients differed by education, income level, exercise level, number of comorbidities, and hospital. Predictors of better QOL were having a junior high school degree, regular exercise, fewer physical limitations, and receiving treatment in a medical center (p=0.057). Conclusion: Dialysis patients could benefit from interventions to encourage them to increase their exercise level and physical conditioning, thus potentially increasing their QOL.


