  • 期刊


The Production of Oral-History Knowledge by Shanghai TV's Documentary Editing Room and the Reconstruction of Cosmopolitanism




This paper presents a historical study on the Documentary Editing Room of Shanghai Television Station, by focusing on its institutional changes and aesthetic adjustments; it found that during its early days, documentary was a venue where documentarians of this program consciously interacted with the local people of Shanghai. Looking through the perspective of cultural cosmopolitanism, Documentary Editing Room invited imagination on transnational mobility and remote others. To illustrate the relationship between changes of aesthetics, institutional settings and its knowledge production, the paper selected four documentary series that addressed the controversy of Japanese military sex slaves (i.e. the so-called "comfort women"). It found that through documentaries, history about the WWII were constructed into a traumatic one that involved various countries of Asia by filmmakers of Documentary Editing Room, and oral testimonies emphasized comfort women as diaspora others in China.
