  • 期刊


From News to Fan Pages: A Preliminary Study of Social Media Editor's Reconstitution of Public Discourse




新聞 社群媒體 小編 公共話語 框架


Under the premise that social media have become the major news channels for audiences, this article addresses how community curators reframe news when they repost news onto social media. With information tools, this research collected relevant posts from 50 fan pages on Facebook in Taiwan for five consecutive days following the occurrence of three targeted events. By examining the link address of the API, the researcher was able to retrieve the original posts to compare the percentage of overlap between the original posts and the curators' reposts by applying the Chinese word tagger. The author found a 60%-80% overlap between curators' reposts and the original news reports, and the news format was not a factor in the overlap rate. However, after further analyzing the details of the word tagging between the original news and the reposts, the researcher discovered that the curators tended to use more emotional wording as well as non-official news sources. When referring to news sources, curators tended to point to a person instead of a governmental official's title. From this perspective, curators' reposts transformed the public discourse about the news.


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