  • 期刊


Investigating the Myth of "Ritual Theatre": In the Context of Humanist Respect for Art History




Despite Aristotle's theory, which claimed theatre emerged from rituals of mythology, Antonin Artaud's speculation directly indicated that ritual was in fact the archetype of theatre, or the ”Para-Theatrical Experiments” of Jerzy Grotowski; or even Richard Schechner's ”Performance Theory,” which extended the traditional concept of theatre. These assertions, in the long term, made theatre studies not free from the tangled relation with ritual. In the new millennium, the hundredth anniversary of Friedrich Nietzsche's death, my essay ”On the Myth in the Interdisciplinary” pointed out that the new aesthetic version emerging from the Birth of Tragedy concluded in ritual theatre and was in fact a myth of the interdisciplinary. To ensure the autonomy of the discipline as an integrative and independent one, and meanwhile, to approve the development of civilization achieved by rationality, the essay here investigates - in the context of humanist respect of art history - to critique further on the so-called 'Performance Studies' in the name of an interdisciplinary combination of anthropology and sociology as per the above assertions.


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