  • 期刊


From against One Party Dictatorship to Cooperation: On the Relationship between the Chinese Youth Party and Kuomintang during 1928-1935




The Chinese youth Party (CYP) take the Nationalism as the summons, flaunted the national interest is supreme, opposed the communism, advocated implements the democracy, the democratic constitutionalism. After the National Revolutionary Army Northern Expedition succeeds, Kuomintang based on the Sun Yat-Sen legacy of teachings, implements ”the political tutelage,” other parties and groups regard as the illegal organization. Due to against ”the political tutelage,” the CYP announced public activity in China, however, in 1931, 918 emergencies erupted. In the national disaster, the CYP proposed ”the political party armistice, and saved the nation” the position, however, Kuomintang's oppression increased steadily, many the CYP of members suffered the arrest or leaved the CYP. Due to the inner-party member affairs disputed, the CYP faced with ”saved the nation,” ”the revolution” which should come first being in a dilemma. After ”the Tangku Agreement” evaluates, the national government can concentrate in suppress the Communists. Because Kuomintang and the CYP were the party of opposed the communism, the relationship was transition from against to cooperation. The Chinese Youth Party's chief Zuo, Shun Shen convened temporary in the party the national people's congress, so that the CYP of inner-power return to Zeng Qi, Zuo Shun Sheng, and Li Huang. Kuomintang and the CYP were the ”cooperation” in 1935.In the political tutelage, Sino-Japanese, suppress the Communists under the factor influences, On the Relationship between the Chinese Youth Party and Kuomintang was from ”the opposition” facing ”the cooperation”. This article reference were the Chinese Youth Party's books, the chief's Memoirs, diary, letters and ”The President Chiang Kai-Shek File”, discusses the Chinese Youth Party invades in the Kuomintang one party dictatorship as well as Japan compels, between the national disaster present, how chooses road of its survival!


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「楊永泰呈蔣中正四川人李璜代表四川剿匪區安撫委員會來牯嶺欲請見可否予以短時間之晤談」,〈特交檔案:一般資料:呈表彙集(十四)〉,國史館藏,《蔣中正總統文物》,典藏號 002-080200-00441-214。Yang Yongtai cheng Jiang Zhongzheng Sichuan ren Li Huang dai biao Sichuan jiao fei qu an fu wei yuan hui lai Guling yu qing jian ke fou yu yi duan shi jian zhi wu tan, “Te jiao dang an: yi ban zi liao: cheng biao hui ji (14),” Guo shi guan cang, Jiang Zhongzheng zong tong wen wu, dian cang hao 002-080200-00441-214.
