  • 期刊


Strategic Interaction between Central and Local during Fiscal Institutional Transformation: The Case of Guangdong's Tax Assignment System




This paper seeks to construct a framework of strategic interaction between central and local governments. The framework is tested by using tax assignment system and Guangdong as an example. The research found that the tax assignment system is harmful to Guangdong as it ranks at top of the political-economic power listing; therefore, Guangdong resists to the system. The response of the central to Guangdong's resistance has been to punish but to compromise. This due only to Guangdong's powerful political and economic strength, but also because of the resistance from other local governments. ”Partial compromise” is the consequence of the strategic interaction between the central Guangdong, with both Guangdong and the central government acquire acquire what they need. The central govetnment successfully switches the role of fiscal dependence to being fiscal depended. Guangdong continues to retain the fact of ”keeping fortune” within province. In addition, mutually beneficial between central and Guangdong includes acceleration fiscal income, Guangdong is economic growth and reducing the deficit of state owned industries.


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