  • 期刊


Changing Dependency Behavior of China's Newsmen: The Case of the People's Daily


長期以來,大陸黨報在供給制的制度下,以提供永久性就業、低工資高福利,讓黨報從業員在無任何後顧之憂下,由國家包下來,同時在嚴密的編採合一作業下,讓黨報從業員中學習黨的政策宣傳、報導口徑指示,從而成為忠實的政治喉舌、輿論尖兵。這是長期外界觀察大陸黨報從業員得到的圖像。 不過,本文從單位至的研究途徑手,透過對人民日報堪稱大陸黨報政治喉舌的最後堡壘個案分析,發現大陸黨報從業員卻同時呈現另一種截然不同的角色。因為供給制的辯報模式,使得黨報從業員出現對報社經濟與社會上的依附、在政治上高度依附黨組織,以及對報社領導有限權威依附的現象。自詡為肩負政策宣傳輿論尖兵的黨報從業員,也同時存在缺乏新聞競爭意識,吃大鍋飯的「社會主義懶漢」的面貌。即便一九九二年大陸報業開展商業化後,大陸黨報從業員仍兼具政治喉舌與非專新聞人的角色。


The Chinese newspaper industry has long instituteda “provisioning per-sonnel system,” which counted on the state to provide lasting employment and low pay, but generous benefits. At the same time, by integrating news coverage and editing, journalists become acqainted with Communist Party propaganda, thus acting as a mouthpiece to manipulate pulic opinion. That is the very picture painted by those who study the role of China’s journalist. Applying the unit (danwei) system approach, this paper explores the case of the People’s Daily, and presents quite a differet situation. Under the provisioning system, the iournalist of Communist Party have developed a high degree of economic-socal and political dependence on newspaper authorities. The Party organ staff, bragging about their shouldering policy propaganda re-sponsibilities and standing at the forefront of public opinion, fall short of com- peting for stories, and has degenerated into “socialist lazy bones”. Although media commercialization took place in 1992, China’s journalists still sercve as a political mouthpiece and contiune to assume non-professional roles.


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