  • 期刊


Guangdong's "Anti-localism" Campaigns and Factional Conflict (1949~1975) Associate


過去有關中共派系研究大都集中在中央層級的派系衝突及其派系成員屬性之分析;但事實上,中共建政以後,在廣東、浙江等地,亦曾發生地方層級之派系衝突情事。本文即以廣東本地幹部與南下幹部形成的派系對立衝突作為研究焦點,分析中共建政後,林彪和陶鑄反對廣東本地幹部葉劍英,方方提出的廣東發展特殊性主張,雙方在執行中央政經政策的過程中,對於政策路線分持不同立場而發生衝突,此後廣東南下幹部與本地幹部即分別形成派系展開政治鬥爭。 在此歷史過程中,以陶鑄、黃永勝為代表的南下幹部,先後掌握廣東政軍權力,批判廣東本地幹部的「地方主義」立場,進而發動「反地方主義」運動,打擊廣東本地幹部。而中共中央在毛澤東領導下,也躭心地方主義影響中央政策如土地改革、大躍進和文化大革命之推動,因而對廣柬在1951~1952、1957~1958、1967~1968年間所發生的三次「反地方主義」運動,均採取支持、同意或默許的立場,以排除中共推動政經政策時在廣東等各省可能面臨的阻力。反地方主義運動壓制了廣東本地幹部主導廣東政經發展走向的機會,而南下幹部陶鑄、趙紫陽、黃永勝則因此得以先後掌握廣東黨政軍權力。文革時期中共中央政治情勢變遷影響地方政局發展,當陶鑄與趙紫陽被打倒後,廣東派系問題更為複雜,直到「九.一三事件」發生,林彪既死黃永勝亦被捕後,趙紫陽和許世友在廣東派除了林彪、黃永勝勢力,廣東派系衝突問題才趨於緩和。


The current literature on factions of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) focused on the central factions, their struggle for political power and the interactions of members in the factions. In fact, after the establishment of the People's Republic China (PRC), a great number of factional conflicts occurred at local level in the provinces, such as Guangdong and Zhejiang. This study aims to draw the attention on the confrontations and conflicts between local officials and ”cadres sent to south” by the central authority (”southbound” cadres, non-Guangdong cadres) in Guangdong. In the early 1950s, Lin Biao and Tao Zhu objected to the viewpoint advocated by Ye Jianying and his subordinate Fang Fang, rejecting the autonomy Guangdong could enjoy for the economic development. As the two sides contradicted with each other over the implementation of central policies, the central authority decided to appoint non-Guangdong cadres, such as Tao Zhu and Zhao Ziyang the highest positions. Then local officials, as a result, are replaced by non-Guangdong cadres, given the fact that the Guangdong local cadres opposed the harsh land reform policies. Guangdong local officials and non-Guangdong cadres in Guangdong were subsequently split into t o local factions, struggling for the political power respectively. During the 1950s and 1960s, Tao Zhu and Huang Yongsheng, the non-Guangdong cadres, became the leaders of the province and seized the political and military power of Guangdong. They criticized the ”localism” standpoint held by the other Gusugdong local officials and launched three campaigns against localism (1951-1952, 1957-1958, and 1967~1968) to strike the other local officials and cadres. The central authority under the leadership of Mao supported the three anti-localism campaigns in order to ensure sufficient central control over implementing the central policies, including land reform, the Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution, After ”913 Event,” Lin Biao died, and Huang Yongsheng was arrested by the central authority. The survival force in Guangdong was wiped out entirely, and the factional conflict in Guangdong thus quelled.


