  • 期刊


公平貿易與其經濟性分析|Fairtrade and Its Economic Analysis




本論文除了先概述日本「Fair Trade(公平.公正な貿易)」的變化與現狀,同時也將說明日本在公平貿易上的結構與特徵。其次,由於公平貿易的原物料市場是屬於買方寡占,在買方企業之間發生柏氏競爭(價格競爭)的情況下,將以理論分析公平貿易中的重要特徵「公平貿易最低收購價」與公平貿易社區保證金,如何對於開發中國家原物料生產者的收入成長有所貢獻。主要結論如下所述。第一,儘管需要注意原物料的公平貿易最低收購價格,是否會讓參與公平貿易的企業利潤因而減少,但會提升開發中國家原物料生產者的收入。第二,若未設定公平貿易最低收購價格,則公平貿易社區保證金恐讓原物料生產者的收入減少。|This paper first gives an overview of the trend and current status of Fair Trade (FT) in Japan, and explains the mechanism of FT and its characteristics. Next, we will theoretically analyze whether the Fairtrade Minimum Price and Premium can contribute to increasing the income of raw material producers in developing countries in a situation where the market for raw materials for FT is oligopsony and there is Bertrand competition (price competition). The main results are as follows. First, it should be noted that the Fairtrade Minimum Price for raw materials reduces the profits of firms participating in fair trade, but increases the income of raw material producers in developing countries. Second, if the Fairtrade Minimum price isn't set, the Fairtrade Premium will reduce the income of raw material producers.
