  • 期刊


German Ultra-Right Doctrine and Political Parties after the Second World War and Their Challenge to Constitutional Democracy




Utra-right doctrine and political parties are without a doubt the enemies of constitutional democracy. German right extremism after the World War Ⅱ has been influenced by pre-war National Socialism. Generally speaking, there were three main waves in the development process of extreme right parties. Each wave was represented by some extreme parties, namely, the SRP, NPD, DVU and REP. Among those parties, the NPD has been the most threatening one to the German constitutional arrangements, which are based on the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany. In order to confront the constitutional enemies and protect constitutional arrangements, the German official system of to protect constitution uses the political and judicial means. It is contestable whether the prohibition of political parties among these means is useful to handle the problems of anti-constitutional democracy. Because of their internal conflicts and failure in elections, the extreme right parties will self-dissolute. This could be the way to solution at most low political cost.


