  • 期刊


Price Regime Collapse, Wealth Effect and Asset Substitution Degree on the Dynamic Impact of Stock Price




This paper presents a macroeconomic model in a closed economy is characterized by the framework developed by the stock market announcement effect model of Blanchard (1981) and flexible exchange rates price regime collapsing model of Tsao and Huang (2000). Besides considering the wealth effect and the imperfect substitution between stock and bond which is emphasized by Laban and Larrain (1994), Obstfeld (1994) etc., we use the "implicit function technique" of first generation regime collapsing‚ which is offered by Chang and Lai (1990) to analyze if the monetary authority tend to curb the rising price level through the tight monetary policy which the economy is facing a beneficially stochastic shock on the demand side of the stock market. Under the former economic circumstances‚ what will be the dynamic effect of the relevant macroeconomic variables if the monetary authority executes the policy? The major findings are (i) not only the price ceiling threshold level is the key factor of price regime collapsing‚ but also is the important determinant of the price regime collapsing whether or not? (ii) if the price ceiling threshold level is between the initial price level and the new long run equilibrium price level‚ then (a) the relative amplitude of "the sum of chip effect and dividend effect" and "the liquidity effect" (b) the upper price threshold level are the two key factors to decide the dynamic path of the relevant macroeconomic variables.


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