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Chinese studies in search of a balance between policy and academic research: objectives of the Institute of East Asian Affairs at Chengchi University




For the past fifty years, the Graduate Institute of East Asian Studies has been a key contributor to Mainland China studies nationally. The institute was initially established as an institute of area studies focused predominantly on Mainland China and kept separate from academic research. Its founding purpose was to "cultivate individuals for the struggle against communist thought," and while hidden within in an academic institution, it was at the same time tasked with policy research. As such, this paper shall examine change and development in the Institute of East Asian Affairs, in both the relationship between academic and policy research and between area studies and academic disciplines. In addition, this paper shall also identify challenges facing the institute as an institution of China studies in Taiwan, including a shortage of professional think tanks, the difficulties of cultivating outstanding policymakers, and the vulnerability of the field to the influence of different political standpoints.


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