  • 期刊


The Development of Constitutional Review in China




Since succeeding Hu Jintao, Xi Jinping has made a continuous effort to reform law-based governance and promote the issue of constitutional review. He has maintained the foundational legislation and supervision laws while further defining the guidelines for constitutional review under the NPC Standing Committee (NPCSC). The purpose of constitutional review is to revoke and correct administrative and regional legislation that is incompatible with the terms and the spirit of the Constitution and ensure the uniformity of regulations within its framework. While the CCP has maintained the constitutional review mechanism put in place by the NPCSC, the NPCSC has yet to deem a law or administrative action unconstitutional. The current review system's focus on legality has directed attention away from the goal of constitutional review. This means that under the framework of the party-state regime, the work of constitutional review is always undertaken under the leadership of the CCP, and this work is divided between the party and state departments. Though a working procedure for constitutional review has been created, the activation process remains in its initial stage, and the potential for meaningful constitutional review is limited.


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