  • 期刊

Dynamical Performance Evaluation on the Synergy of Micturition in Spinal Cord-Injured Female Rats under Pharmacological Effects


Recently, a temporal ”coherent” fractal structure and synchronization of rhythms were proposed as two essential indicators for efficient voiding during micturition in female rats. The former was correlated with the intensity and the latter the frequency of physiological signals embedded in random noise. Studies using both indices confirmed that synergic co-activations of bladder and external urethral sphincter (EUS) of female rats were present during the voiding of urine. It was fitting to study if these two criteria could be used in the performance evaluation of pharmacological effects on spinal cordinjured rats during micturition. In this paper, the primary aims were to (1) study if the involved muscles in the lower urinary tract would be under similar synergic co-activations during the administration of capsaicin (CAP) and resiniferatoxin (RTX), and (2) characterize quantitatively the differences of their nervous responses simultaneously. A total of 62 micturition experiments were performed on sixteen spinal cord-injured adult female Sprague-Dawley rats, and then the electromyograms of EUS and cystometrograms of bladder were analyzed. Results based on the aforementioned criteria indicated that the synergy of bladder and EUS during micturition by using RTX was better than that of the CAP. Furthermore, the residue urine volumes for rats under the former treatment were smaller than those of the rats under the latter treatment. Consequently, we conclude that the administration of RTX is more effective than CAP to facilitate voiding in the spinal cord-injured rats.


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