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Effects of Different Ball Size and Ability on Table Tennis Backhand Block Learning


本研究旨在探討球體大小對桌球反手推擋不同能力學生學習之影響,以及球體大小與能力對桌球反手推擋學習與進步幅度之差異。本研究為準實驗研究,採不等組前後測設計,其中實驗組34組實施44 mm球體教學,控制組32組實施傳統式40 mm球體教學,在實驗過程兩組學生皆接受前測、實驗處理、後測等實驗程序。所得資料以相依樣本t檢定、二因子共變數分析、二因子變異數分析等統計方法進行考驗。結果顯示:一、實驗組反手推擋低、中、高能力學生學習皆有顯著進步,而控制組除高能力學生之外,其他兩組學習皆 有顯著進步;二、在球體大小方面,實驗組的桌球反手推擋學習顯著優於控制組;在能力方面:低、中、高 三組學生的學習無顯著差異;在進步幅度方面:低能力組的學生顯著優於中能力組的學生,而中能力組的學生又顯著的優於高能力組的學生。本研究結論:使用44 mm球體教學在大學學生桌球反手推擋學習上優於傳統40 mm球體教學,且低能力組進步幅度優於中能力組,中能力組的進步幅度又優於高能力組。因此建議從事桌球教學的教師與專業人員可以使用44 mm球體做為初學桌球動作學習的教學工具,以提升學生在桌球反手推擋的能力。


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of different ball size and ability on table tennis backhand block learning and rate of progress in students. In this study, experimental group adopted the teaching method with 44 mm ball, while control group adopted the traditional teaching method with 40 mm ball. Both groups followed the same procedures of pre-test, experiment and post-test. The data were examined by the paired samples t-test, two-way ANCOVA and two-way ANOVA. The results were as follows: (1) The students' backhand block learning have significant improvement in addition to the higher ability students of the control group. (2) Comparing the ball size, the experimental group showed better backhand block learning skill than the control group. However, no significant differences were noticed on different abilities of students learning. For the rate of progress, the performance of students with lower ability is better than those with average ability, and the performance of students with average ability is better than those with higher ability in both experimental and control groups. In conclusion, students could effectively gain the skills of backhand block from the college table tennis classes by the teaching of tennis with 44 mm table tennis ball. This study suggested that it is a good teaching method in basic motor learning on table tennis backhand block with 44 mm ball to enhance the student's ability.


44 mm ball motor learning rate of progress


吳明隆(2005)。SPSS 統計應用學習實務:問卷分析與應用統計。臺北市:知城。
