  • 期刊


Effects of Using Ball Resin on Throwing Performance in Handball Players




墊步射門 命中率 動作分析


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of using ball resin on handball throwing performance (ball speed, throwing accuracy, and movements). In this study, ten male handball players were recruited from Division I of the college handball teams. Each player performed a cross-over step throw from a distance of 7 meters to hit 3 goal targets (center, left upper corner, and right upper corner). Throwing accuracy for each target was determined by the scoring rate of each target. Ball speed was recorded with a sports radar gun, while throwing movements were recorded using a 3D electromagnetic motion analysis system. Two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with repeated measures was used for data analysis. The results showed that ball velocity was significantly increased with ball resin; however, throwing accuracy was significantly decreased when throwing with ball resin. While throwing with ball resin, we found increased maximum shoulder external rotation velocity, maximum trunk flexion velocity, and maximum hip flexion angle of the lead leg. Furthermore, scoring rate and the maximum velocity of wrist flexion were significantly different among the 3 goal targets. In conclusion, throwing with ball resin may affect throwing movements and increase ball speed, while throwing accuracy may be decreased. Handball players should use ball resin during daily training to improve their ball control ability for increasing both shooting velocity and accuracy at the same time.


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