  • 期刊


Effect of Regular Walking Exercise on Balance Ability Among the Elderly


本研究探討高齡者在真實生態效度下,不同年齡層之走路運動量和平衡能力是否存在差異性,及這些走路運動量和平衡能力是否有關聯性存在,作為高齡者運動或長照人員重要的參考資料。招募長期且規律以最舒適速度走路運動的61名高齡者,分為初老期與中老期組,使用問卷調查走路運動量,並以足底壓力板收取10秒睜眼與閉眼雙足站立之壓力中心(center of pressure, COP)參數並計算晃動面積。本研究結果為「運動次數、時間與每週總時間」兩組無年齡之間顯著差異,但初老期組睜眼或閉眼站立COP晃動面積,皆顯著小於中老期組。此外,兩組之「運動次數、時間與每週總時間」及睜眼或閉眼站立晃動面積亦無顯著相關。本研究結論為平衡能力會隨著年紀的增長下降,不論每週運動次數、每次運動時間與每週總時間的多寡,使用最舒適的速度進行走路運動皆屬於低強度,所以產生之運動效益與平衡能力上並無顯著相關,與過去實驗室設定有強度之走路速度訓練計畫與平衡能力有顯著相關之結果不同。


The study aimed to clarify the difference of balance ability among different ages of elderly people, who had regular walking habit based on the adapting ecological validity. Meanwhile, this study also evaluated the relationship between different comfortable walking patterns and balance ability. In this study, 61 elderly people who had regularly walking exercise for a long term were recruited as subjects, and categorized into pre-senile and mid-senile groups. The amount of walking exercise of participants was obtained from the questionnaires. The foot pressure plate (50 Hz) was used to collect the center of pressure (COP) for 10 seconds. The results indicate that there were no significant differences between different ages of elderly people for the numbers of exercise, average time, and total time per week. However, the sway area of COP in pre-senile group was significantly smaller than that of the older aging group under both open eyes and closed eyes conditions. There was no significant relationship between the balance ability and walking amount of exercise. In conclusion, the ability of balance was decreased as the age increased. Due to the low-intensity of comfortable walking speed, the benefit of exercise and balance ability was not significant for elderly regardless of the amount of walking exercise. The results of the present study were different from previous findings which were set up by limited speed in laboratory.


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