  • 期刊

Application of the Social Impact of Sport Scale in Chinese Society



Sports participation benefits individual health and happiness, helps nations and societies create and cultivate social capital, and fosters the establishment of collective identities. Researchers have established the Social Impact of Sport Scale (SISS) to test the social value of sports participation in Western societies. The scale contains 5 constructs: social capital, collective identities, health literacy, well-being, and human capital. However, Chinese culture is very different from Western culture. No research has indicated whether the SISS is suitable in the Chinese context or examined the relationship between sports participation and its social value in Chinese society. Therefore, this study aimed to examine the suitability of the SISS for Chinese societies. The sample included 1,079 participants recruited from Taipei, Hong Kong, Beijing, and Singapore. The results of a confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the Chinese version of the SISS has a stable factor structure and adequate reliability and that the SISS could be applied to Chinese society after the translation performed in this study. This study can serve as the basis for future cross-national research.




幸福感 社會資本 人力資本 集體認同 健康素養


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