  • 期刊


Effect of Rapid Weight Loss on Body Composition and Performance in Tug of War Athletes




專項運動能力 深蹲 硬舉 引體向上 吊繩


Rapid weight loss is commonly practiced among tug of war athletes. Although it seems to help them get a competitive advantage, there are some concerns regarding the influence of rapid weight loss on changes in sport-specific skills. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the effect of rapid weight loss on body composition and performance of tug of war athletes during and after the competition. Ten elite tug of war athletes were recruited for this study. Rapid weight loss program was implemented 3 weeks before the weigh-in. Body composition (i.e., body weight, body fat (%), muscle mass, and fat mass) and sport performance (i.e., squat, deadlift, pull-up, slings) were measured 5 times, including 3 weeks before the weigh-in (pre-test), on the weigh-in day, three days after the weigh-in, one week after the weigh-in, and one month after the weigh-in. The results showed that body weight of participants was significantly decreased (9.8 ± 0.8%) along with decreased muscle mass, fat mass, and body fat percentage after 3 weeks of rapid weight loss program. A decline in sports performance, including squat, deadlift, and pull-up was also found, while the effect was not shown in slings. We conclude that the declined sport-specific skills would recover 3 days after the competition, whereas the body weight and fat mass may not recover even one month after the competition.


sport-specific skills squat deadlift pull-up sling


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